Being happy is never complicated

Being happy is never complicated - A Happy Death by Albert Camus

The world is running on complicated businesses. But I guess we shouldn't make happiness complicated.

Most of the time when I feel angry, I just need to breath slowly to ease my outrage.

Most of the time when I feel sad, I just need to eat ice cream to cheer me up.

Being happy is not a complicated business, but that's also not the point. This life is not about keeping ourselves happy 24/7. Exposing ourselves out there to experience a lot of emotions is more important to live a full life.

We shouldn't rely on happiness to distract our sad soul. We shouldn't set aside grief to chase pleasure. I'm not saying that happiness isn't important. But, if we want to live a brave life, we should find a way to be ok with those emotions.

You should be happy when you are, but you should also be able to embrace sorrow, feel your own outrage, and befriend with your grief. That's how you can enjoy life.