Have you ever wonder what it feels like to live in heaven? To get everything we need without having to work for it? To finally have nothing to worry about?
I don't know, but it sounds boring to me.
Do we still need to eat in heaven? What's the point of eating if life there is eternal?
Do we still need to breathe? Are we supposed to worry about our health there? Will there any virus that could threaten our existence?
Do we still crave love? How is love taste like in heaven? Will we be able to raise a family there? And if that's the case, will we be able to see our great great great-grandchildren now that we live forever? Is happily ever after even possible?
I wonder if life in heaven isn't anything like here on earth. How's the system will look like there? Obviously, God should have a better system than country and capitalism. Maybe it's just out of the scope of my primitive and limited human brain. Something to talk about with God in our next "meeting".